Think of your vision
神奈川大学 人間科学部 人間科学科
Think of your vision
T.Yoshizawa, G.B.Remijn and T.Kitamura (2012) Detection of incomplete, self-relevant auditory information presented to the unattended ear, Acoustialc Science and Technology, 33, 3, 147-153->Abstract
T.Yoshizawa, M.Kubota and T.Kawahara (2011) Short-term memory of color sensation is robust against luminance distortion, Color Research and Application, 36, 1, 47-54-> Abstract
吉澤達也 (2002) 準線形および非線形色運動の分離におけるガボール・マイクロパターンの数の有効性, VISION (日本視覚学会誌), 14, 57-68 -> Abstract (UC)
T.Yoshizawa and K.Uchikawa (1997) Temporal integration characteristics of chromatic response as determined using isoluminant double-pulse method, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 14, 2069-2080 -> Abstract